Research interests


I am Full Professor at Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, Paris Campus. My research deals with collaborative design, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Design and Creativity with Additive Manufacturing, especially in the early stages of design at the CPI Laboratory.

I supervise research projects, at the Master's Degree and PhD levels on the following topics: Innovation, Collaborative Design, PLM, BIM and Additive Manufacturing .

Finally, I am in charge of a Master's Degree program (Mastère Spécialisé in French, one year long) on PLM and BIM (Building Information Modeling) named IngéNUM for Management and Digital Engineering for Products and Buildings (Manager en Ingénierie Numérique de Produits et de Bâtiments in French).

Examples of industrial collaborations : Thalès, Airbus, Dassault Systèmes, Lacoste, Eurostep, Keonys, Add-Up, Safran etc.


Research projects

Co-Director of Ms Emma TALEC PhD Thesis (2021-2024), Saint Gobain Research.

Title : Development of a multidisciplinary and collaborative upstream design method that takes into account customer perception.

Co-Director of Mr Jean-René CAMARA PhD Thesis (2020-2023), CAPGEMINI .

Title : Knowledge Management optimisation in design.

Co-Director of Ms Marine CATEL PhD Thesis (2020-2023), Cartier.

Title : Creation of an employee experience design methodology.

Director of Mr Orphé CATHARIA PhD Thesis (2020-2023), SNCF Gares & Connexions.

Title : BIM Mixed Digital Models for stations Asset Management.



Arts & Métiers

French School of Engineering



Design and Innovation Laboratory located in Paris


IngeNUM Master

Master's Degree in Management and Digital Engineering for Products